Want to get a bit of information about your web link traffic? We recommend looking into bit.ly
You did it!
You probably didn’t notice anything different when you clicked that link but you were actually funneled through the bit.ly system and directed to this page in the blink of a remarkably fast eye! Since we created a unique bit.ly link for that facebook post, we can now reference our account at bit.ly to see how many times that link was clicked because, to be honest, we have no idea that you’re on our site right now reading this.
Why is this setup important?
Accountability. Every now and then you’ll be presented with an amazing opportunity to sponsor an event or advertise on a small site (without advertising tracking). Using a link like this validates the site or event owner’s suggestion that “Your logo or ad will be seen by thousands of people.”
Now that you know the basics, click the button below to head to bit.ly to create a free account and give it a try. Let us know if you have questions about how we use trackable links to help our clients meet their marketing goals.